I wanted to see Astro (who had played surprising short sets at La Cumbre del Rock and even Primavera Fauna. So I was happy to see Astro do most of an hour, and of course I waited for Dënver's 'Los Ascedolentes' en el en core but both bands were amazing!
Makaroni impressed me.... I initially thought I'd missed them, got to the venue about 10.50am and Astro didn't take the stage, so I thought they'd've been before Astro, but they turned out to be really dancey, but played live with two singers, keyboards, other effects pedals/machines... but they actually did play live!
I'm not the biggest fan of Makaroni's music, but I danced the whole time, two keyboadists singing and playing live on keyboards, plus one excellent bloke on a mini-keybroad and three little twirk-about objects, so he had four little instruments to adjust-- plus ALL had had to sing live into the mike when needed!
Whilst I came to see Astro and Dënver, I ENJOYED Makaroni mucho, less so que DJ Nico Castro. Soomehow I heard the name, 'from Radio Horizonte', but not the music was much further out Makaroni's, which still had an element (however scance) of 'band' not 'dj', not that I dislike djd!
(Dënver male singer/guitarisat suprisingly hot!)
I even liked Makaroni's approach!
I went with the new electronic cigarette, but that's a whole 'nother post!
I hope this made sense!
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