Wednesday, 19 December 2012

18/12 news... abortion in Ireland and cider limericks!

Ireland to legalise abortion, not just in cases when the woman's life is in danger, but even if she 'suicidal'.  (Which is in danger of a different sort.)  Good.  It's not a free-for-all or anything, but seriously - good.

'Reforms expected to allow for abortions where there is a medical risk to the woman's life or a danger of suicide.'  How do you determine 'danger of suicide'?  Sounds to me like politician speak for 'well, we can't make it sound like it's on-demand, but really...'.  Where do you draw the line?  If you say you're suicidal?  Do you have to go into hospital with an overdose?  Visible slits on your wrist?  Claim your dad will kill you (which, if you're of certain ethnic minorities/religions might actually be true)?

I don't think I've done too badly -- a friend wrote me this on Facebook after reading about me banging on about British cider:
There was a young lady of Ryde
Who ate some green apples and died.
The apples fermented
Inside the lamented,
And made cider inside her inside.

These were my two original responses:

What use was the cider inside
If 'tis the enjoyment denied?
The poor girl woke up
Said, 'now time to sup!,
A ciderless life I decried!'

In this far land is grown the wine --
For someone else 'twould be divine
The landscape takes shape
From the vines of the grape
Yet it's only for cider I pine

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