Sunday, 26 February 2012

This month has just flown by... and Miley Cyrus is a twat


What can I say?  I enjoyed watching Los Bunkers live at their Viña del Mar Festival set:

Otherwise I still hate the world as much as I normally do!

Even being drunk I curtailed the messages I left on Facebook!  In fact, I left nothing racy on Facebook.

I hate Twitter, even though I joined it.  But I saw so-called Miley Cyrus claimed she saw Los Bunkers at Viña.  No she didn't.  Bitch!

Right, I got a Twitter reply, either from Kendall fucking Jenner or la presidenta de su fan club!  Jesus Christ!  It's not that I'm too old for this shit, it's too lame for me!!!

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Hung out with the Chileans tonight

I hung out with my Chilean housemate tonight, Jesus, and two of his friends....

Tomás seemed really cool, although I cannot fault Gonzalo just because he's naturally shier.

Tomás has this way of open looking at you and making you feel like he's really interested in you, ... except I know he's gay!  I almost wondered if he's bisexual!  (Wow!  I almost wonder if I can hear them 'romping' in the other room now!)

I (we) tried to give Jesus advise about his ex (of about 11 days, Ale)... at the end of the day I pretty much said to Jesus (in Spanish) 'you're an adult.  We've all tried to give you advice, but....'  Not sure how that went down if Tomás is now giving the down and dirty as I speak!  Ha ha, I think the salad I prepared as we all went to bed (and as Gonzalo appeared to prepare to sleep on the sofa) will take me longer to eat than their rompings!  Just in case, I'd better put on NME radio!  (Although in fairness, what I CAN hear doesn't overtly sound of sex!)

In my own life I've been so stressed and depressed about lack of money.  I've got more work next week, and the week beginning 5 March will be better.  But I won't see real money (i.e. will struggle with income with March's income) until April.

Hmmm... there's more that I want to say, but I won't do it... I need to get this sent posted tonight!

But... the loss of my 2010 hard drive 'Great Delete' hit home last night... no need to start trying to migrate things without trying Windows Media Player first...

I feel an idiot saying this.  But the whole point of this blog was for me to be able to say things when I was fucked and when I felt like ending my life.  I've felt like ending my life for days.  And I can always delete this.

Sending a post card to June Watkins is the best idea I've had in months.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

I smoked tonight

I feel awful about smoking, as I have done on the other occasions when I've 'cheated'. Today has been worse because I've had FOUR!  I know exactly why though, Saturday night to last night (Wednesday) I had weed, so I was getting tobacco then.  As work as been slow I haven't given a shit about smoking during the day!  However, I've smoked today after the weed ran out.

I don't want to pick up smoking again.

But after the initial 'I'm NOT going to smoke', and then getting used to it, I've got a higher level of nicotine and tar in my body now.

I only bought cigarettes to go with the weed.  I think I've only got one left now.  I DIDN'T chew any Nicorette today, I think I thought it best to save what few I have for tomorrow and Saturday to get over NO more tobacco.

This isn't wise, healthy or non-smoker behaviour....  I know I can withstand it under normal circumstances (i.e. throughout the normal day), but I think I'll have to re-steel myself. Back to the websites with the diseased lung pictures and stories of family deaths!

Damn weed!  (Though I won't go without it!  Curse the fact that it's SO difficult to find in Chile!)  I'll have to buy a pipe!

Greece looks set to default on its loan and leave the Eurozone

I was reading up on the Greek tragedy (no pun originally intended) the other day, and I found the levels of Greek corruption to be an eye-opener.  A third of the economy based on the black market (a mere 27% for Italy), 12% of GDP in lost tax money, and bribes taken not by crooked politicians and mobsters, but by doctors, lawyers and the tax officials themselves!  A culture that openly laughs at the British because #5k of taxpayers' money spent by an MP on house improvements, or #30k to falsely employ a wife or child for18 months?!

A good point was raised when someone said 'They knew what the Greek economy was like - why'd they let them into the Euro in the first place?'

It looks like leaving the euro could be a blessing in disguise for Greece (well, a few years down the road, anyway).  An overinflated currency apparently meaning they've lost a lot of tourism income.

But really, I want to know how Greece became so politically and economically corrupt. Did anyone try to address this, seriously?

14/02: Had to turn down a job offer a couple of days ago

I had to turn down a job offer a couple of days ago!  It's not as good as it sounds, the hours would have meant I'd have to give up everything else I'm doing, all my current classes, and the pay wasn't very good.  This is the same company that made me do the psychometric testing in SPANISH!  I'm struggling to make ends meet at the moment, but hopefully I'll get some pay from Norte or my UK bank cards in the post.  I should be up and running in March, with a decent pay packet earlier April.  Shame I have to practically STARVE for the next seven weeks!  

And good ol' Norte: 

Whycanti:  I’m writing to inform you that the Instituto filed for bankruptcy and it has been granted by the court. This means we have all been laid off, and we have to sue the Instituto to get our delayed payments. The instituto will continue functioning, though, and teachers will be re-hired in March.

The first step to sue the Instituto is to get a “carta de despido”, issued by the bankruptcy authority. Yours is at the Instituto Reception (Moneda). When you are back in Santiago , make sure you start the process immediately.

We  will gladly help you with information.

This is a sad situation, but we are doing our best to continue working.

Best wishes, Gloria Hudson

My reply?  Dear Gloria,

I am still in Santiago and I still have a class running, Rollbook 5806.  Does this mean I should abandon my class and tell my student he won't get the hours he has paid for?

Kind regards

I've got to get out of this teaching business!

Friday, 3 February 2012

This joke is worth more than all the previous ones combined....

Catholicism:  The belief that homosexual intercourse is digusting and immoral once the child has turned 16.

Jokes 03/02/12

I saw a man at the beach yelling "Help, shark! Help!"

I just laughed, I knew that shark wasn't going to help him.

My wife just called me.

She said, "The two kids want you to take them Bowling on Saturday, then afterwards they want you to take them to the cinema."

"It's either one or the other," I said, "otherwise it's too expensive."

"Okay," she replied. "Which one do you prefer?"

I said, "David."

"Sir, could you please step out of the vehicle?"

"I'm too drunk, you get in."

Sticky hand marks on the sofas; crayon scribblings on the carpet; drool over all the coffee tables.

I must have gone to the wrong Harvey's Furniture Store.

My doctor said I need to do something that gets me out of the pub.

So I've started smoking.

What starts with 'S' ends in 'ex' and gives Muslims an erection?


What's the difference between a rocker and a jazz man?

A rocker plays 3 chords in front of 3,000 people.

A jazz man plays 3,000 chords in front of 3 people.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

If only I could start a Facebook post with: 'I hate all of you.'

I hate all of you!

To put it another way, 'I hate each and every one of you!'

(You don't give a shit while I'm here, but)

You'll take me seriously when I'm dead.